Well I had a good day yesterday! Because it was a bank holiday in the Netherlands I was able to get in a very full day.
Started off well by finally getting to Exalted with the Netherwing (and receiving my 55th mount!) Then in the afternoon I managed to throw some people together for an Eye of Eternity ten-man run where I obtained the Barricade of Eternity shield and was able to complete the Key quest and get the Drakescale Collar.
In the evening my guild ran a twentyfive-man Ulduar. We started off with XT-002 which we killed in two attempts. Then we moved onto Ignis. As you may have read earlier we got our first kill this week (before the reset.) We had had some tries on him after the reset (and relatively easy kills of Flame Leviathan and Razorscale) but they weren't succesful. Yesterday we went at him again and this time got him down. Not exactly on farm but getting closer. This is down a lot to the offtank's role of kiting the adds to the right pace and everyone coordinating to get them destroyed. Ignis was kind enough to drop our first shard for Val'anyr.
Future plans.
First I want to get an epic flying mount for my Rogue Alt. Seeing as I have my eyes on the Red drake I'll need to get 5000 gold for the epic flying skill then Exalted with Wyrmrest and another 1600 to buy the mount. When that's done I'll drop skinning and learn mining up to 450 on him. then I'll drop mining on my main and learn Jewelcrafting in it's place. Might be expensive to level but the benefits are great.
Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred
5 weeks ago
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